Coping Checklists

Coping Checklist MENU

Coping Checklists Explained

Shaping a career in professional sport may look glamorous, but it’s not easy. Besides the normal life difficulties which we all face at times, elite sport brings with it some additional, unique challenges. Responding effectively to these challenges is key to ensuring consistent, high performance.

The aim of the Performing Mind COPING CHECKLISTS is to summarize those ‘boxes to be ticked’, in order to feel that you have genuinely done all you can with regards to a specific difficulty. 

These checklists are certainly no panacea for all of life’s ills - and there can be no guarantees due to the many uncontrollable factors which inevitably play a role - but don’t waste time in self pity, negativity or anger until you’ve done all of these things… 

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